Code Design

How to implement singleton in golang

  1. Create instance at package importing
package singleton   

type singletonObject struct {}
var singletonObj = &singletonObject{}

func GetSingletonObject () *singletonObject {
    return singletonObj
  • Instance created when the package is imported. Alternative way is to put the code in init function
  • May lead to slow start of the program, as well as some memory waist

  • With lock

package singleton   

import sync.Mutex

type singletonObject struct {}
var mutex sync.Mutext
var singletonObj *singletonObject  

func GetSingletonObject () *singletonObject {
    defer mutex.Unlock()
    if singletonObj == nil {
        singletonObj = &singletonObject{}
    return singletonObj 
  • Concurrency is not good enough.

  • Lock with pre-check

package singleton   

import sync.Mutex

type singletonObject struct {}
var mutex sync.Mutext
var singletonObj *singletonObject  

func GetSingletonObject () *singletonObject {
    if singletonObj == nil {
        defer mutex.Unlock()
        if singletonObj == nil {
            singletonObj = &singletonObject{}
    return singletonObj 
  • Only if the instance is NOT initialized, race the lock
  • Can reduce the load after the instance is initialized.

  • With sync.Once

var once sync.Once
func GetSingletonObject() *singletonObject {
    once.Do(func() {
        instance = &singletonObject{}
    return instance

Follow Up. What's the implementation of sync.Once



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